A community and investor portal for deep collaboration and full spectrum capital investments

Our features

What we do

The Blueprint platform enables Capital Stewards (investors, foundations, private individuals) and Community Stewards (non-profits, community leaders) to express their Integrated Capital strategies (grants, recoverable grants, loans, equity, asset transfer), to connect, collaborate, and communicate with each other around these strategies, catalyzing increased capital flow and economic self-determination.

The Blueprint model

At Blueprint, we believe a new model of financial activism beyond philanthropy is key to unlocking capital and helping communities realize their potential. 

The Blueprint model facilitates:

  • Integrated capital strategy, implementation, and reporting

  • Deep collaboration and meaningful reporting and communication

  • Ethos of reciprocity, interdependence and solidarity

  • Sharing resources beyond capital

Who we are

Blueprint attracts, manages, and deploys integrated capital through an innovative solution that connects communities with the capital they need to thrive.

Meet Ikiam, one of many communities empowered by Blueprint

The forest—the jungle—is life, the essence of life. It forms the foundation of every community and the survival of entire cultures. The Amazon sustains, protects, and nourishes us, but it also needs our care in return. Science shows that Indigenous peoples, through their deep wisdom, are the true stewards of the forest, preserving what remains on our planet. Discover more from Tuntiak Katan, leader of the Shuar Indigenous Nation in the Ecuadorian Amazon, through this powerful short video. Donate to Ikiam.

Meet the Team

Contact Us


(917) 936-1982

1305 Franklin St
Oakland, California, 94612